ARPA Funding
The United States and Vermont have a once in a lifetime opporunity to support and strengthen our communities through an influx of funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

Southern Vermont ARPA Town Projects Idea Board
This idea board is supported by Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation, Windham Regional Commission, and Bennington County Regional Commission.
Your Regional Development Corporations and Regional Planning Commissions are requesting this information for the following reasons:
1. So that towns can share ideas and learn from one another;
2. To increase awareness of project needs among funders so matching/additional funds may be deployed;
3. To make sure your regional agencies understand your needs and goals in order to support local projects.
Some creative ideas to consider when you are thinking about ways to deploy ARPA Funds:
Pool your funds with other municipalities to achieve scale for deeper impact and long-term sustainability that benefits your community.
Transfer funds to non-profits or other eligible third party organizations performing ARPA eligible projects that benefit your community.
Take time, be patient and think big - see how the State of Vermont’s ARPA money will be deployed, as well as other federal funding that may come like the infrastructure bill currently being taken up in Congress.
The state will be creating a process for collecting data on ACTUAL projects that will be issued by the RPCs.
Please complete one form entry for each ARPA investment / project. Thank you!
For questions, contact Sarah Lang, slang@brattleborodevelopment.com